Delivery FAQs
We currently deliver to 9000+ pincodes across India. The Delivery time take can be upto a week or more.
For your safety and to facilitate contactless delivery, COD is disabled temporarily.
The delivery time taken can be up to a week or more due to ongoing restrictions.
We adhere to strict safety guidelines in our production units as well as warehousing as directed by the authorities. All our delivery partners have been trained to abide by proper sanitation norms, contactless delivery and guidelines. Click here to read more. All our delivery partners have been trained to abide by proper sanitation norms and guidelines. The field executive will leave the shipment outside the door and move back 6 feet to maintain a safe distance. There will be no physical contact and a signature is not required. Where a contact number is available, an SMS will be forwarded informing the recipient about the Contact Less Delivery.
We are currently delivering essential and non essential items.
We currently deliver to 9000+ pincodes across India. The Delivery time take can be upto a week or more
For order cancellations, please write to or call our Customer Support team at 8010 479480
To return the order, please write to or call our Customer Support team 8010 479480